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To be more transparent than required by law, the Board had authorized mailing of a notice of the public hearing in addition to the required newspaper publication. Unfortunately, while the vendor that prepares our mailings reports they provided the mailing to the Post Office in a timely manner, the Post Office failed to deliver them before the public hearing date.

After hearing from several property owners in June, and although the Board had originally considered raising the base assessment rate by the published CPI increase of 2.62%, at the July 16 regular Board meeting and after the required newspaper publication the Board did vote to continue to levy the assessment at the original base rate, with no increase. This decision was made despite the on average double-digit percentage cost increases in day-to-day operational and equipment maintenance/replacement costs the District continues to face. Making various difficult cuts to the original May draft of the proposed budget, the District was nonetheless able to adopt a balanced budget. You may view the supporting documents, including the recently-adopted fiscal year 2024-2025 District budget (adopted as presented), on the District’s website at in the meeting packet.

If you want to follow along in future years and not wait for mailings, the process should begin with the regular May Board meeting (and certainly no later than the June meeting). Meetings are typically on the third Tuesday of each month, beginning at 7:00 PM. There will be a minimum of two meetings: the first to make an initial determination about a CPI increase, if any, and to adopt a draft budget; the second, to hold the required public hearing on the matter at which time either the original determination will be adopted or the Board can decide to make changes based on feedback. There is usually a Zoom option. Agendas, meeting packets, and minutes are posted on the webpage as they become finalized and available.